ChicSassyMom x California Self Care

Self Work in Progress | Let’s play golf! ⛳️

Oh hello there! It has been a while, tale as old as time…real life drama. #NewNormal Picking up where I left off…here’s a new post …I’d like to talk about my new interest, golf. If you’re following me in IG @chicsassymom, lately it’s all about my golf face, my golf swing and golf courses (and yes, some golf #ootd posts too) . Do check it out!

San Ramon Valley Golf Club

Why golf? Firs off, it’s outdoor and I just wanted to do something different as part of my journey to self work, self care (click on my self care categories for my related post, I did learn to invest on stocks on the US stock market, I tried to learn a language or two, read self help books, and just remaining grateful and hopeful amidst everything. Plus, mainly, I just want to think about something else, besides real world dramas and problems. Golf, I’m learning, is a lot of mental work to hit the ball with a perfect golf swing ( I just like to use perfect, just because I’m very critical 😅 and just to raise the bar higher for myself), up until you learn and your muscle remembers it so effortlessly, it becomes natural. We shall see.

It’s important to get your basic and fundamentals right, so I’m investing on my training first (golf clubs and outfit to follow 🤫, but I did get FootJoy for my golf shoes). To those who are asking, I enrolled for a block of three classes $255 (an hour/session), I’m on my second block. What one can do on first, second class varies. I like that my trainer pushes me so hard, but it’s based off my progress. Plus, it helps that he’s patient and encouraging. On my fourth hour, we went to the golf course. Then, I go back to the driving range on my own. First time, I went on my own, it was frustrating. But I just kept trying, remembering, oh well. I do have some good swings on IG.

Golf Sets, I have yet to buy my own set. I’m using my trainer’s, just because I wanted to know if golf is really something I can commit into doing. So far, I would say, maybe, I can do it. So I’m window shopping for my golf clubs, recommendations welcome. Leave me comment.

Every Friday, I start my day at 7 am at the golf course. Working on chipping, putting and making pars (hopefully soon)…I try to hit the driving range at least once a week, before my classes. I’m trying.

But come on, I’m here to enjoy the ride, I’m not going on a golf tour and such, I’m okay with my small wins, hitting milestones every so often. I did chip a ball in from 36 yards (see my IG reel, I made it such a big deal), second time on the golf course. So yay! I’ve always been cheeky, so let’s #MakeParNotWar ! ✌🏻

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