
So Very Busy

Hello! Hello! I miss my web logging. I’m so sorry for seemingly not replying to all your lovely comments, I promise to attend to my back logs this weekend. Anyhow, I just want to check in with all of you, all is well with us. I pray you’re all doing great! Here’s some random updates. ;-D

So busy with #SAHMNoMore ;-D….my first sales convention in years! Yay! ;-D Very soon, I’ll let you know what I’m up to. ;-D
Lash Love. Hugs and Kisses, Ravings and Praises for Shu Uemura Gold Eyelash Curler (Review ASAP! ;-D) , Β Majolica Majorca Lash King and Lash & Brow Colorist.Β 
Working Mommy FOTD… NYX Soft Matte Lip Cream in San Paulo! Β Love, Love, Love! ;-D

That’s all. Oh, and I must say, I miss my KDrama marathons too, but my to-watch list is Gaksital or Bridal Mask, I’m halfway done, it’s so so good! ;-D Til my next post! Cheers! ;-D


  1. Yay!!! Finally an update from you, good to know that you're doing fine. πŸ™‚ I'm excited to read your review on shu uemura lash curler…I'm thinking of getting one but I want to make sure that it will be worth it πŸ™‚ Hugsβ™₯


  2. Hmmm…Honestly, that badge like / ID with your name on it makes me think what you're up to. My wild guess would be shampoo, conditioner, salon or Goody?? ..haha…just because I saw the keyword Hair Success. Anyway,whatever you do, stay happy dearie!


  3. Any update on what keeps you sooo busy these days? You've mentioned that you are already working. I hope to hear regarding your new job. Good luck :0)


  4. Hi chicsassy mom! Great posts very informative.. What's more exciting is that your giveaway promo is almost over… πŸ™‚ I'm looking forward to that. Have a lovely day! ❀ -Glends


  5. I have checked on Shu Uemura Gold Eyelash Curler last weekends went I went to Harbor Point and it looks reaally nice! But I think I can wait for your review before buying it just to make sure. hehe. Hope to hear from you soon πŸ™‚


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