
NYX Slim Lip Pencil Liners (Updated)

I live by wanting that everything or at least most things be no frills, pretty please. But tada…I now find myself addicted or OC even to use lip liners before applying lippies, that’s an extra step to prettifying. And I don’t mind doing it one bit.

NYX Slim Lip Pencil LinersΒ 
NYX Lipliner Pencil in Beige, Hot Red, and Edge Pink sell for $3.5+ and Php 180 locally.
These completes my recent NYX haul, but I would definitely be stashing more of them since I only got three of the 60 colors available of theΒ NYX Slim Lip Pencils. But of my limited shopping threshold last time, I made sure to cover most of my current lippies, and intended future purchases. The Hot Red should cover for my reddish ala Soft Matte Lip Cream in Monte Carlo and Amsterdam, while the Edge Pink goes well with Milan and Addis. The Beige for those lip balm/gloss au naturel days. ;-D
Swatch ;-D
My love, love, love for lip liners is reinforced when I saw Katherine Heigl in the movie “Life as we know it”.Β 
So yes, lip lining is still it! Other even go at the extent of getting a permanent make up ala lip liner tattoo.Β 
Lip Liner love. ;-D
Lip liners work to frame the lips for easier lipstick application. It’s the same principle in elementary coloring, line first, then fill on the colors. That’s my foremost consideration of lip lining, until I found them now so irresistibly pretty and functional. I found NYX Lip Liners as perfect complements to the Soft Matte Lip Creams. They have great lasting power, and yes, they do their share of “resisting bleeding”. And I found them easy to apply, considering I was a bit out of practice when I first used them. ;-D

NYX Edge Pink Lip Pencil Liner and Soft Matte Lip Cream Milan

NYX Edge Pink Lip Pencil Liner and Soft Matte Lip Cream Addis Ababa
NYX Hot Red Lip Pencil Liner with Tony Moly Lip & Cheek Tint and EOS Sweet Mint Lip Balm
NYX Beige Lip Liner with Nature Republic Petit Cherry Rouge G09 Glossy Beige

I used the NYX Hot Red Lip Pencil Liners here and here too. ;-D I now find myself versatile in wearing lip colors.Β 

I find myself dedicating a makeup kit just for NYX. Please visit NYX Cosmetics official site, or better yet bookmarked it (that’s what I did! ;-D) for more details. I got my stash from Digital Traincase. ;-D

While you’re at it, please don’t miss an update: Click! Click!


  1. i love lip liners :)although i have not used this brand yet, well i got to try this NYX, it's affordable compared to the one I've been using hehe


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